Wacky Races Wiki

The Gruesome Twosome


The Gruesome Twosome, driving their Creepy Coupe

The Gruesome Twosome are characters on Wacky Races. Big Gruesome was originally voiced by Daws Butler and Li'l Gruesome by Don Messick, they are currently voiced by Jim Cummings and Billy West.


Big Gruesome, a large mop-haired ogre, and Li'l Gruesome, a pint-sized vampire, drive the number 2 car, the Creepy Coupe, a haunted house on wheels. They keep a wide variety of supernatural monsters and ghouls inside to assist them, primarily a fire-breathing dragon. Big Gruesome is the main muscle of the duo, while Li'l Gruesome is the brains and probably the leader of the two.

Despite their grim countenance, the Gruesomes are among the most likely to stop and help their fellow racers if they run into difficulty and will rarely resort to cheating or attacking other cars.

One of their stellar moments comes in the episode "Creepy Trip to Lemon Twist", where they are lured by the fake Koo Koo Kola sign in the Spookane Saloon. Inside, the two ghosts prepare to scare them like they've done with the others, but are scared stiff themselves when Big Gruesome smashes down the entire front wall and lets out a scary bellow of his own for good measure, sending them running for the hills in panic.


  • The Gruesome Twosome hold the most third place finishes of the Wacky Racers.
