Wacky Races Wiki
Move it or lose it sister.
―Pandora to Penelope

Pandora Pitstop is a character in the 2017 version of Wacky Races. She is voiced by Nicole Parker.

About Pandora[]

Pandora is the twin sister of Penelope Pitstop. She outfit is similar to her sister except she wears a predominantly purple race suit and she has black hair. She grew up in her sister's shadow. On one occasion, she was taleneted, but Penelope won a talent contest by just taking a step, thus explaining the way she is later.

Pandora is a polar opposite to her slightly older twin, She is often meaner and more underhanded than even Dastardly is. She often allies with Dastardly, but usually for her own ends.


  • Nicole Parker also voiced Penelope Pitstop in the same series.
  • In flashbacks she is talented but without doing anything, Penelope gets the credit.
  • She appears as an frequent guest racers in the episodes.
  • Pandora is similar to Blackfire from Teen Titans (2003 series) and Teen Titans Go! (2013 reboot series).
    • Both are voiced by sister's voice actress, Hynden Walch (Starfire and Blackfire) and Nicole Parker (Penelope and Pandora).
    • Both are appeared in dark colors such as dark purple.
  • Pandora makes a cameo in Muttleys Are Forever.

