The Convert-a-Car is the vehicle driven by Professor Pat Pending on Wacky Races.
About the Convert-a-Car[]
The Convert-a-Car is the number 3 car. It is a wagon/plane/boat-shaped car equipped with a multitude of gadgets and which can change into just about anything that moves.
Among the things his car has transformed into are a motorcycle, a jetpack, a flying carpet on wheels, a forklift, an arrow, a bicycle built for two, a bowling ball, a basketball, a blimp, a rocket and even an exact duplicate of the Slag Brothers driving the Bouldermobile (when the real Slag Brothers saw this, they cheered their doubles on![1]).
Triple Dribble Power
"Scout Scatter"
"Scout Scatter"
Pogo Power
"Scout Scatter"
"Scout Scatter"
Scrambler Power
"Free Wheeling to Wheeling"
"Free Wheeling to Wheeling"
Steeplechase Horsepower
"Traffic Jambalaya"
"Traffic Jambalaya"
Super Pancake Flipper
"Traffic Jambalaya"
"Traffic Jambalaya"
Seven-League Boots Power
"Hot Race at Chillicothe"
"Hot Race at Chillicothe"
Bow-and-Arrow Power
"Hot Race at Chillicothe"
"Hot Race at Chillicothe"
Pooper Scooper
"The Wrong Lumber Race"
"The Wrong Lumber Race"
Blimp Power
"Rhode Island Road Race"
"Rhode Island Road Race"